Adventures in personal style.



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Girl Seeks Hat
Thursday, 10 March 2011 / 12:31

I can't believe it took me this long to post a photo of Audrey Hepburn.

For some reason, I'm looking forward to summer more than usual this year... maybe out of a misplaced sense that I'll get to travel somewhere warm? I don't mean to misrepresent Scotland as cold and dreary all year round, but in summer 2009 I visited the southern USA and practically basked in the heat and humidity. Seriously, going outside in shorts and a t-shirt and not shivering was a novel experience.

Anyway, it may not get that warm here but it does get sunny, so it would not be entirely unreasonable for me to buy a straw hat. I used to think I looked a bit silly in any kind of hat, but after a bit of reading and trying-on I think I just need to find the right shape - specifically, something with a medium-depth crown and a wide-ish brim. In other words, a boater rather than a trilby or cloche... that's about as far as my hat terminology goes. Ideally it would have a navy grosgrain ribbon (tied in a bow, with trailing ends!), but that's probably more specific than I can afford to be, though if I found a suitable unadorned hat I'd add the ribbon myself.

I think this H&M one (£7.99) is my best option:
Though there are some other cute ones out there:
New Look, £8.99.

ASOS, £15.00. Sweet, but probably not the best shape for me.
Topshop, £20.00.

I was going to finish up with some style inspiration featuring straw hats but I have surprisingly few images kicking around, so: when in doubt, post more Audrey Hepburn!

That's better.

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Blogger aki! said on 12 March 2011 at 03:19  

She's so amazing and beautiful. Like so many girls, I constantly wish I could look like her.

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